this is the first day of the year. i’m gonna write something, something fictional, to deal with my loneliness, vanity and self-pity.

it is titled 2024. so let’s assume it happens in 2024.

how the year begins

it goes back to 10 pm of 2023-12-31. i’m sitting in front of my laptop, watching the live stream of the new year’s eve gala of bilibili. i came for David Tao, whose songs i’ve been listening to most for the past year. i’d like to recommend to you this one, the lonely season. oh, i’m indeed lonely at that time. my parents went back to their hometown, but i chose to stay at our apartment in the city.

speaking of this, i really dislike the lunar new year now. recent years we would go back to my parents’ hometown. but i don’t know what i can do there, i’m not close to the relatives there. it is a awkward time for me. i guess it’s not respectful to say this, but i really don’t like the new year. sigh.

it annoys me to think about lunar new year. and it annoys me to thinks about the future in the general. i don’t know how life at another campus far from downtown will be. the soccer field their is awful. and i worry about my soccer performance. i worry about my apperance and fitness. i worry about where i will go after graduation. hk, sg, or… and i worry about my eyes. i don’t want to wear glasses and want to do myopia operation. but there is safety problem…

maybe i worry too much. it’s all about my self-esteem i guess… i can’t accept myself being moderate, especially on fields i treasure.

let’s end the digression. David was singing Butterfly on the gala. and then my phone rang. it was my friend back from senior high. she had been playing poker with a couple, and they were going to my university, where the boyfriend of the couple was studying. she asked me to go there. it’s a bit late, but i agreed. i was bored anyway, and i haven’t seen her in a long time.

i waitd for them at the Einstein squre of my uni. it’s a bit quirky to stand with the steel head statue of Albert Einstein.

they came soon. we took a walk by the Breath river and the couple disappered into nowhere. so i went to have some barbecue with my friend. we talked about our lives and our friends. then we go to the only unlocked building, and counted down to the new year.

ok, the paragraph above is my imagination. we did take a walk, but my friend invited another of their friend, and it was hard for me to get into their girls’ chat. so after the walk i drove my scooter back to my apartment. later that night she told me on he phone she called me because she was embarrassed in front of the flirting couple. but later she found out her close friend hadn’t leave the campus, so it was a bit awkward for me to be there. fine for me. i’m a little upset but didn’t show it, for she means a lot to me.

i’m amazed to see so many people on the Plumage Road near the pedestrain street. it blocked the cars. I thought I could only see this in a protest LOL. i wanted to get some barbecue near my apartment but the wait was half an hour. crazy. the street in front of my apartment was crowded with my car. tooks me 5 min to ride 500m. later i found out it was because a bus was on the wrong lane and blocked everything.

so i could only got grilled sausage, chicken chops and chips at a convenience store. i ate sausage and chicken chops at the store and brought the chips back home. i drinked milk and ate the chips while watching soccer. fortunate enough, Arsenal lose to Fulham. i’m Liverpool fan :).

When i was surfing sports bbs and chatting about the game on im app, the new year came.

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